Nepali Unicdoe

नेपाली अक्षरहरू (युनिकोडमा) लेख्नको लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।

Dec 30, 2018

About nepal

Nepal at a Glance
Nepal is small mountainous and land locked country, with the highest peak Mount Everest in the world. It is the homeland of the world famous Gurkhas, whose story has been well documented as well as being legendary. Over the years the Nepalese have gained enourmous experience around the world, many countries prefer to hire them not only because of their comparative cost effectiveness but becasue they are renewed for their hard work dedication, sense of responsibility, loyalty and
discipline. They are used to workign under extreme climatic condition and the formalities and
procedures are relatively simple in employing them. Indeed the perfect choice all around.

Dec 25, 2018

+2 पासलाई रोजगारिको अवसर

+2 पासलाई रोजगारिको अवसर
थप जानकारीका लागि यहाँ >>> www.srchnepal.blogspot.coमा जानुहोला । 

जापानले पठायो श्रम समझदारीको मस्यौदा, प्राविधिक टोली पनि आउँदै

#Copy from Online Khabar १८ पुस, काठमाडौं । जापान सरकारले नेपालबाट कामदार लैजाने गरी श्रम समझदारी गर्न अवधारणासहितको मस्यौदा पठाए...